IWGuide for Netflix - version 2.0

Fully rewritten and modernize for the latest iOS devices
Swift, iPad slide over, multitask, sharing, ...

And of course fully rewritten for Android too with exactly the same
set of features of iOS.

Find out what's new, or going away.

The easiest way to find out quickly what are the new titles
added to Netflix catalog, or checkout the ones that are going away soon!
Free application for iOS and Android

Stay up to date with Netflix streaming catalog

With IWGuide installed on your iPhone, iPad, Android or Amazon Fire tablet you can now keep up to date to see what are the new titles added to Netflix catalog, and even see whichs ones Netflix are going to remove from their catalog so you have a chance to watch them before they are gone. Curious to see IWGuide in action? Checkout our video on YouTube: IWGuide for iOS or IWGuide for Android.

IWGuide is updated daily

Don't worry about checking Netflix web sites to figure out what are the new titles,
IWGuide take care of all the work for you and guaranteed that you will not miss any great movies or TV shows.

Watch trailers and featurettes

IWGuide will let you watch various videos related to the movie or TV Show you are looking at: Openings, Trailers, Featurettes, etc...

Find out the actors, directors of a movie

IWGuide use themoviedb.org to retrieve the list of actors and their corresponding role. In addition to the actors you will be able to find other important crew member like the Director of photography, music composer, and so on.

Browse movie posters, and related images

IWGuide use themoviedb.org to retrieve various movie posters, and other images.
You can browse many of those pictures directly within the app.

Open in Netflix or other web sites, or share

Directly within the application you can open the title you are looking directly into the Netflix app. We try to make it easy to view more detailled information for example on IMDb, or if you prefer directly share on social network, then IWGuide has the feature directly built-in.

Find quickly the updated catalog for your country

IWGuide version 2.0 supports currently 26 countries

Currently supported countries: U.S.A, United Kingdom, France, Portugal, Spain, Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, Italy, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Australia, Colombia, Argentina, Belgium, Switzerland, Hong Kong, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, Poland.

Changing your country is done within the application Settings screen. Contact us if you would like to see anoter country added.


IWGuide works on iPad too!

Slide over or multitask modes are supported.

IWGuide is a universal application on iOS. On iPad IWGuide fully support slide over
or multi task modes, making it convenient to browse IWGuide and use the official Netflix app.


IWGuide works on Android too!

IWGuide is available on Android too. Like the iOS version it is a free app with the same set of features.
IWGuide on Android works on any recent phones or tablets running at least Android KitKat (version 4.4) or above.
Checkout the photo gallery above to see some application's screenshots on Android.

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